I belive that the Bible is God's Word and is the ultimate, final authority of truth. I believe that the 66 books of the Bible are God's authoritative, inspired, and inerrant Word. 

I believe in one God who exists eternally and reveals Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each having the same nature and perfections. God is the sole Creator and Sustainer of the universe. 

I believe that Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man, that He was born of a virgin, that He lived a sinless life, and that He was crucified, shedding His innocent blood to pay for mankind's sin. He was raised from the dead on the third day and accended to heaven forty days later. 

I believe that mankind was created in the image of God, but all sinned and will be judged for sin by being eternally separated from God. 

I believe that God loved mankind and through Christ's substitutionary payment on the cross, has freed us from the penalty and power of sin. Salvation and eternal life is based on faith, not on works. 

I believe that God made male and female. I believe that God created marriage to be between one man and one woman and is designed to last one lifetime. 

I believe that the husband is the head of his wife, just as Christ is the head of the church. I believe that men and women are created equal in value and have been charged with different responsibilities to help and care for one another. 

I believe that every Christian is commanded to share their faith, no matter where it is that they work. Not every Christian has to be in ministry, but I believe that every Christian has a responsibility to share the faith and hope that is within them. 

I believe that the church should seek to uphold the unity of Christ. I believe that Christians should not fight or argue over secondary issues but rather focus on unity and being one in Christ.